For additional information gathered from NDOT during/after the 2/21/22 Traffic Calming meeting below, see the following link:
Traffic Calming Q&As
Applications for traffic calming submitted by the Sylvan Park Neighborhood Association have been selected by the Metro Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program. Specifically, the following areas will be included in the upcoming traffic calming project:
Nebraska Avenue
between 51st Avenue and 37th Avenue44th Avenue North
between Charlotte Avenue and Murphy Road42nd Avenue North
between Charlotte Avenue and Murphy Road37th Avenue North
between Murphy Road and the railroad underpass
The next step in the process will be a Webex meeting on Monday, February 21st at 6pm in which Metro traffic engineers and planners will listen to community comments and discuss available traffic calming options. Some initial input has already been gathered (both through the traffic calming application process and through traffic studies conducted by Metro). This meeting will provide an additional opportunity for neighbors to share further context around any concerns and issues being experienced. The link and password needed to join the upcoming Traffic Calming meeting are included at the bottom of this post. We encourage you to mark your calendars and join us on February 21st for this meeting with Metro representatives.
Following this Webex meeting (and subsequent meetings, if needed), Metro will design a proposed plan for improvements. The next phase will be gathering support from homeowners along the affected streets for the proposed improvement plan. That will entail explaining the plan and getting signatures from as many homeowners on the affected streets as possible. Metro will not move forward without 70% buy-in from homeowners.
Community involvement in both of these phases is essential if we are going to get a workable plan that has broad support within the community.
Note that this is just one of the traffic calming applications that has been submitted by SPNA. Two other applications (one for Park-Elkins-Wyoming-Colorado east of 46th Ave and one for Park-Elkins-48th-54th further to the west) are still on file with Metro and may be approved in some future round of overview. SPNA has also advocated for help with traffic issues on Westlawn and elsewhere in the neighborhood.
You can learn more about the traffic calming program and see plans for other neighborhoods at
Please contact the Sylvan Park Neighborhood Association (send a note to with a cc to if you have any questions.
Monday, February 21, 2022
6:00 PM | (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada) | 1 hr 30 mins
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