Community Donations To Be Provided Through the Sylvan Park Neighborhood Association!

As we head into year-end 2024, the Sylvan Park Neighborhood Association (SPNA) will again be collecting donations to support a number of nonprofit organizations in and around Sylvan Park.  Over the past twelve months, the generosity of our neighbors allowed SPNA to provide nearly $3,000 to local organizations that support the Sylvan Park community (see below)!  We're asking our Sylvan Park neighbors to help us continue this annual tradition by making a donation to SPNA by the end of 2024. 

If you wish to make a donation that will support nonprofit organizations in and around Sylvan Park:

  • Click the DONATE button below to make a donation through Paypal or a debit/credit card

  • Use the QR code at the bottom of this page to make a donation through Paypal or a debit/credit card

  • Send a check (made out to SPNA) to: SPNA, P.O. Box 92324, Nashville, TN 37209

Anything you can donate would be greatly appreciated! 

For more information on the guidelines that are followed for the distribution of collected donations, see the following link:  

SPNA Donation Guidelines

SPNA members are encouraged to submit nominations for eligible organizations to be considered for a donation by the end of this year.  Use the following link to find our nomination form:

Sylvan Park Donation Nomination Form


Thanks to the generosity of many Sylvan Park neighbors, SPNA was able to pass along donations last year to the following organizations that support Sylvan Park:

  • Metro Nashville Police Department

  • Metro Nashville Fire Department

  • The Richland Creek Run (Greenways for Nashville)

  • Richland Park Library

  • The Senior Renaissance Center

  • Sylvan Park PTO

  • Harpeth Conservancy

We'll keep you updated on our progress and our continued support of local community organizations.