SPNA Yard Sale Sign- up Form

June 21, 2025

8 am - 2 pm

It’s finally spring, and time to clear out those closets! The Sylvan Park Neighborhood Yard Sale is a terrific way to turn your unwanted household items into exciting finds for someone else in the neighborhood. 

This year’s sale will be on Saturday, June 21st from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. In past years the sale has attracted many visitors seeking furniture, clothing, and other household items. The sale registration fee is $0 for SPNA members and $25 for non-members, which includes SPNA membership. The fee covers yard sale ads in The Tennessean, Facebook and Nextdoor, plus balloons and inclusion in the official map of all participating homes.

See below for more information about registering for this year’s sale. The deadline for registering is June 14th!

Here are more specifics regarding the sale:

Yard Sale Terms:

  • Each household is responsible for its own set up and tear down

  • Each household will manage its own sale and keep the proceeds

  • Local Sylvan Park merchants are invited to participate

  • Fees:  SPNA Member $0, Non-Member $25 (includes SPNA membership)

  • Yard sale participants are welcome to drop off unsold goods at the Senior Renaissance Center (SRC, 4805 Park Avenue) until 3pm on the day of the sale.

What SPNA will provide:

  • Bright balloons on mailbox to identify your sale

  • Maps with specific address of special items as provided by participants

  • Ads in The Tennessean, Facebook and Nextdoor publicizing the sale

Pre-Sale Instructions:

  • Please have all items out and priced by 8am

  • Please make sure your items are visible from the street or place a sign in the front yard directing customers to go to your backyard/garage

To register, COMPLETE THE ONLINE FORM BELOW and either: